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We understand we operate a valuable service in our community and we take that responsibility very seriously. That is why the health and safety of our children and staff is of the utmost importance to us.

Please visit our FAQ page. We will make regular updates as new information becomes available. 

Our Health and Safety Practices

We are closely following guidance from state and local officials and health authorities as we strive to maintain our safe, healthy school environment. Our team continues to be vigilant about consistently implementing our standard rigorous health and safety procedures. Protocols are subject to change as state regulations, federal guidance, and local pandemic conditions evolve. Please check with your local school to confirm whether elevated safeguards such as protective masks, limited building access and temperature checks are required. 

Providing the best possible care now includes encouraging our employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19.


Overall, the best way to ensure our students have limited exposure to germs is by keeping children at home when they are ill and/or contagious. We ask that you please watch your child closely and contact your physician if your child appears to be feeling under the weather. Please remember your child must be kept home if they display any signs of illness.

  • We observe the children’s health throughout the day and respond appropriately as needed if we detect any potential signs of illness.
  • If your child does become ill at school, we will call you immediately so they can be picked up as soon as possible. Should that occur, please be sure to pick up your child promptly for their well-being, and to help us limit the spread of illness.

Looking for Immediate Care?

Are you a family in need of drop-in care? Please contact our enrollment call center at 877.861.5078 for more information. 

Are you a major employer or corporate client that needs back-up care for your employees? Or a healthcare industry worker with immediate child care needs? We’re here for you (and, as always, we offer healthcare industry workers a 10% tuition discount). Please contact our Corporate Support team at 866.829.0027.

To other Community Responders and Critical Services workers (including law enforcement, firefighters, EMT, etc.), we continue to provide our regular 10% discount for your service to the community.

Learning at Home

As the coronavirus situation continues to evolve, we recognize the strain it creates for parents, and we are striving to support our community as best we can. One way we’re doing that is with fun learning resources you can share at home with your child. Get started.
